Why the Rose Lineage and Modern Day Psychology

If you told me when I started my career at 18 that I would end up feeling deep admiration and aligment with Mary Magdalene, the Egyptian goddesses and anything related to divine love, I would have told you you were out of your minds. To then add the wisdom of the masculine path which speaks to the reclaiming of the relationship between Yeshua and his mother, I would have told you that you have me confused with someone else. Add modern day transpersonal psychology, where we now have the scientific wisdom to use the mind to heal things we thought were impossible to see and you realize we have entered a new world.

The Rose lineage, the wisdom of Yeshua and his relationship with his mother and modern day, transpersonal psychology will all be needed in this new era for healing not only the heart but healing our relationhips with anything feminine. It will also be necessary for us to see, perhaps for the first time, on a large scale why it is so important for souls in mens bodies to have a healthy and thriving relationship with their mothers. This is, in fact, part of the wisdom that is imbedded deep in our ancesteral histories that we simply cannot deny much longer.

Why do we have so many relationship struggles when the wisdom is sitting waiting for us to remember? We struggle because we have not fully awakened and most of us have not followed both the masculine and feminine paths - leading us right back to duality and a prioritization of one over the other as superior. In traditional cultures, where marriage is often seen as a balancing of these energies - there hasn’t been a need to do this much introspection. Until now, that is. In order to do higher levels of collective trauma healing across he globe - we are going to have to start working out the mind (not through games and puzzles I might add) and healing wombs (or the space that corresponds to that in a man’s body).

In other words, psychology will need to continue to evolve to meet the needs of cultures emerging to a new time and this psychology will require us to not only learn to manage emotions but to learn to open up the energy centers connected to the mind that allow a more balanced integration of energies.

In other words, our healing across the globe cannot just be heart centered. This is why there seems to be a lack of sexuality, sensuality and passion. The heart is the realm of Yeshua and his mother or the healing of mother wounds (and our relationship with the earth herself). But it is the wisdom of the Magdalenes and the shamans that add the mental workout necessary to see that our need for creativity, passion, sexuality and desire is the gateway for manifestation that has been blocked for far too long.

Without the integration of the mind with the womb, we risk repeating thousands of years of relationship drama for no reason. It simply does not need to be this way anymore. Life is not supposed to be just heart centered. Nor, as the ancient yogis have taught, can it stay just womb centered. We are being asked to grow and reach for the stars but to not forget to take this wisdom with us on our path toward integration.

So while there may be a necessary desire to sit in luxury hotels and eat amazing food (sign me up please), we are also being asked to learn and grow. The mind needs to open to the unseen world. It needs you to open to your soul’s story. It needs you to heal your relationships from a higher perspective. It is not enough to have a love affair with your mother or wife any longer nor is it enough for women to claim their power through motherhood alone. The Magdalene traditions seek the solar priestess who understands the power of intelligence and the mind when it is in balance with the wisdom of the heart and the womb.

And what will be exciting is that all new paths will now open to each and everyone of us if claim our interest to learn and realize that if we want peace and change in the world, we have to do our schoolwork and learn in whatever way, shape or form moves us forward.

For me, that started on a dancefloor. But I did not know I was dancing on the path to healing my heart and learning about Yeshua and mother wounds. I thought I was falling deeply in love with myself. Turns out, I was falling deeply in love with the wisdom of the Universe who has been teaching me about love and relationships my entire life and for the thousands of years my soul has been trying to heal abandonment wounds.

And then she started speaking to me - Mary Magdalene and her lineage. And she reminded me that the mother wound healing work was just the beginning to remembering who I really am as a woman. The path is a powerful initiation for anyone and only those who are brave enough to face the darkness will get through it.

It is for this reason, modern day transpersonal psychology was invented. She is not going to let you walk the path in the dark when the wisdom is found in the light of intelligence.


How to Date a Modern Day Priestess


Preface to Dr. J’s New Book, “Sex and Awakening”