Daily Protection Protocols

The Divine Detachment Decree or How to Invoke the Light Warrior While Respecting Mother Earth

We talk about daily practice a lot in the wellness communities. Whether you are a meditator or a yogi, you understand that the recommendations have always been for yoga and meditation to become a daily practice. Most of us engage in these practices for stress relief but few understand the importance of training the mind and body to handle the increase in sensitivities that are a part of the global trauma healing process.

For those of you on this path, you know how hard it is to socialize and not feel exhausted. You know how difficult it is to manifest when you don't feel like yourself. Now more than ever, we all need a daily energy clearing practice. Yoga may use chanting or devotion to a particular god or goddess but it is not always comfortable in the beginning of your journey.

In this document, I outline the one I wrote for myself and use every morning that I learned from a Magdalene High Priestess and a Shaman when I received my Munay Ki rites. It is important to know that my commitment to my spiritual journey (as it pertains to my practice) is to serve light workers and the next generation of souls coming to elevate the joy of the planet. Many of you have been asked to make some decisions about the direction of your own personal development journey you would like to take. Part of this reason is that your commitment to your path determines the strategies that you will feel comfortable working with. Our souls lead the way.

While many of you, especially if you are over the age of 37, will feel that yoga and meditation are enough - those of you who are more sensitive may need to try to be stronger with your energetic boundaries. If you are exhausted and your medical doctors have not found a cause, you likely need daily energetic protection protocols and procedures.

Please know that this is a suggestion. You can write your own personal decree that you can say aloud at the end of your meditation practice. If you don't know where to start, morning pages, or journaling on this topic will help. You are asking to be connected to whatever you believe is the divine and then asking for protection, permission, proclamation, and positive intent for all (YOU are the humanitarian).

I like to speak this aloud with both my hands on my heart:

Standing in my Divinity as my HIGHER SELF, I claim direct access to source energy. I now choose to practice daily divine detachment. I choose to co-create life, where I LOVE all people and all people love me - without energetically attaching to each other, I thank my higher self for doing this for me. I also choose to co-create with mother earth and her children for the greatest good of us all. Together we are one.

Through the POWER of the One Unified Heart, I claim freedom and SOVEREIGNTY as my inherent right and reality.

I now command all entities or other people's energies, emotions, and thought-forms, to free and release me now. I send all your energy back to you and bring my own energy back to me. I am now the ONLY THINKER in my mind and the ONLY FEELER in my body. I ask for my black panther, hummingbird and eagle (or whatever animal archetypes you connect with) to realign the energy of my body for my highest and greatest good today so that I may see and know the way with peace and clarity.

I now interact with others energetically through my heart, a calm mind, free-will and choice.

I thank my higher self, the energies of father sky and the energies of mother earth (and anyone you would like to acknowledge) for doing this for me.

I claim divine detachment as my inherent right and reality. I now love all people and all people love me. I AM free. I AM Love. I AM Light. I AM Sovereign. I AM (God/Goddess or whatever you prefer here). I AM ONE with all that is.