The Energetics of Our Interest in Spirituality versus Money

If someone even tried to explain to me how spirituality or the energy of money actually worked when I was younger, I probably would have told them they were out of their minds. Yet, I have come to learn how my own energy works and it is clear that the successes that I had earlier in life were directly tied to the energy of men in my family who did well financially. This was wisdom that my mother knew, perhaps unconsciously, and this is what has been healing most recently. Balancing the need for emotional support with learning how the energy of wealth manifests in the body. And I can tell you that we need to be far more cautious if we are American about how far we go on a healing journey before we are ready. Other cultures have mastered this lesson and will be seeking healing in other aspects of their life but I have found that our sense of independene and entitlement interferes with these lessons.

The energetics of money, for many of us, has nothing to do with manifestation but more to do with connection. Part of the dangers of a healing process that does not take into account the importance of our root chakra (located in our lower legs which is related to our ancestors, trauma, and need for stability) is that we end up flying up and experiencing what we believe is liberation from our suffering - only to be asked to deal with the density of our root chakra wounds which also include our physical health. I have personally dealt with this my entire journey and keep asking for more and more stability - yet it doesn’t always happen. Why? It is the energy of the people I am connected to ever since the energy of my childhood has been wiped clean.

While I have healed a significant amount of trauma, that process also ripped the energy of men who were energetically providing for me - meaning that marriage was something that should have happened out of the need for my energetic protection (but ov This is how those of us who need to work in partnership in all aspects of our lives operate. If you have studied human design or the gene keys, you will recognize these patters as a generator - we are not here to manifest per se, we are here to respond to the outside world and our energy systems are intimately tied to other people.

The most toxic pattern related to these dynamics I have come across is the energy of a thriving feminine energy in the body of a man who does not understand his responsibility to people, many who are women, who carry the wisdom of the masculine energy. While he has spent the last few years building an empire, acquiring social media followers and living his best life as a single person, the energy of the masculine in a woman’s body has suffered - and it has often come at a financial loss we explain away as a spiritual rite of passage. I do not believe this. I believe this is an ancient re-experiencing of how we lost our temples and our spiritual life in the first place. We can sit and use affirmations all we want but if the issue is an energetic one that is based in the body AND the mind is relatively quiet now, the solution needs to be different. We have a lot to learn.

Why is this important in modern day relationships? It is a wake up call that things have shifted and changed. Most of us will likely not be able to manifest things without social connections and our dating lives present us with opportunities and distractions from who we really are. We can have lots of fun, yes, but we also need to be more mindful of how all these energetics are affecting other people. It is where our boundaries with the manipulation of feminine and spiritual energy needs to be set.

I have suffered recently because the very energy of who I am and my life purpose as someone who is here just to have fun and live my life as literally been lifted out of my body (and yet I know I am also learning something new). The need for energetic protection is an understatement for magical people these days. But having survived this part of my journey and watching what is manifesting all over the world with regard to the need for breaking rules and doing things that look like they are the best for the single person is only going to lead to things falling apart if it is coming from the feminine in a man’s body who does not respect his counterparts.

It is for this reason that I still believe in the importance of partnership in business, our love lives, and in anything that requires cooperation, negotiation and moving humanity forward. But in order for things to manifest in a healthy way, the dynamics of money will need to change and move away from those that simply want to be single and manifest on their own to the manifestation of new legacies through partnership - in whatever way that looks for people.

The age of Aqaurius will bring in innovations in family life and relationships in general. I am disappointed that we only see innovation in the context of our sex lives and believe that having multiple partners is an innovation. It is not. It is just an ancient remembering of past lives. We can all be doing better but the shift that will need to be made is waking up to the realization that we do not know what is coming but we do have control over how we respond and who we respond with.

My heart goes out to all families with young children trying to figure out how to prepare their children for this new energetic realities. My heart also goes out to people, like me, who have desired partnership for a long time but recieved a much necessary healing and transformational process instead. We know deep down the importance of partnership in all aspects of our lives and may be struggling to ground into a new life that is fully in alignment with who we are.

Be patient with yourself as this new wisdom starts to become everyday knowledge. Relationships will be changing in ways we cannot see yet and I am going to choose to see them as the gateway for the manifestation of wealth that has the power to bring into balance how social media and technology has recently created wealth for so many people. We all deserve wealth and it should not matter how our personal energies systems work. That collaboration is in the making but if people with the money do not step into their humanitarian roles soon, an entire generation of some of the most intelligent, healthy and creative souls will have sacrificed their career and desires for a world that simply refuses to change.

That is not the reality I want to live in any longer. I believe the world can become a better place when we realize how to use energetics for the greater good and not just in the manifestation of our personal business endeavors or our love lives. It is an energy that is not just connected to the heart and we need to expand beyond what we already know and start to open up to the new world which seeks to be born through those of us who have done this healing work. 


When the Healing is Complete: A Return to Art, Culture, and Luxury


How to Date a Modern Day Priestess